Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Truth is...

Truth is..(For the fellas)

Most women don't "really" like sports. We just tolerate your Super Bowl parties, Fight parties, etc...Just to eventually get what we want from you or to meet other men.

When we say we're c*mmin. Chances are we're not. We just want to hurry up and get you off of us so we can call our BFF to tell her how terrible you were in bed.

When your lying...we really do know it.

When we say something like "Your like a brother" that means we will never ever eva eva eva give you the time of day.

If she says "I'm not kissing you cause I don't know you " this translates into.."Your breath smells and your lips are chapped and if I kiss you I will throw up"

If your a club promoter understand that MOST of the girl that exchange numbers with you ONLY want it to get in the club for free.

Truth is...(for the ladies)

If he says he wants to "let things flow" that means he's never gonna settle down. In other words...keep it moving.

If a guy doesn't kiss you during, before or after sex...more than likely..your NOT his main chick.

Most guys think about having sex with you before you even open your mouth.

Guys don't really know if their penis is small. They know if its big but NOT if its small. And even if they are insecure about it, they will NEVER admit it. Or really even care, as long as they are getting the panties.

Truth is...(for everyone)
Its NOT okay to be unemployed and on Facebook all day.

Booty shot pictures make you look easy.

Its NOT cute to post a bathroom picture with a dirty bathroom.


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